Every year, the Light of Christ, ICPE Mission India Covenant Community celebrates traditional Christian Passover seder meal on Maundy Thursday. This year also, we celebrated the seder meal with all of our community members participating in it. The event was held at our regular Meeting Hall.
We began at 10 a.m.
The ceremonial food items and the preparations were all done by each of our community members. Responsibilities were distributed among each of them in the previous meetings. Volunteers offered to bring in their contributions to the ceremony.
The meeting began with a short praise and worship led by Dominic Praveen, It was a very solemn and beautiful ceremony where everybody got to re-live the moments of the first Passover and to participate in the ancient tradition of the Christian seder meal which reminds us God's mighty power and sacrifice made for each of us. Everybody participated meaningfully and had a wonderful experience the ceremony ended with the traditional lunch prepared by our community members.